AMI videos

In 2021, I produced two videos for AMI TEKTAGON – RoT TruE Platform that features Intel® SGX

Platform trust fundamentally requires validated firmware but without specialized firmware security solutions, it is nearly impossible to protect against evolving security threats. With this in mind, AMI designed Tektagon family of products for a complete platform root of trust solution that is immutable, helping you thrive in the face of uncertainty

AMI TruE platform attestation ensures platform trust and enables confidential computing that isolates sensitive data in an encrypted CPU enclave during processing, using Intel® Software Guard Extensions and Intel® Security Libraries for Data Centers to ensure a trusted environment for confidential computing and secure cloud execution.

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Ivanti videos

In 2020 I produced two videos for Ivati’s Hyper-Automation Security Platform

Ivanti Neurons Hyper-Automation Platform fights Cyber-Security Threats with Hyper-Automation powered by Advanced A.I. Machine and Deep Learning. Autonomously Self-Heal Endpoints and Self-Secure with Adaptive Security

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PPC Landing Pages and User Intent

Benefits of Great Pay Per Click Landing Pages

In our previous blog post, “Landing Pages for Google Ads,” we delved into the concept of a moving target, which underscores the dynamic nature of Google Ads. We also explored the significance of understanding user intent in the realm of search engine marketing for Google Ads.… read more

Customer Experience – The Digital Journey

The Data-Driven Digital Journey and New Customer Experience

Among just a few of the buzzwords you will find in our online vernacular, like optimization, transformation and edge computing, one stands out for this post. As our featured image depicts an intelligent modern city at rest under the IOT (Internet of Things), the ICT (information communication technology) is hard at work curating the new customer experience.… read more