Ecommerce 2022 Check-In

Ecommerce and the Big Event’s 2022 Agenda

Last month at the New York Hilton, Midtown, one of the big Ecommerce 2022 events was held. In their own words the folks at CommerceNext aim to “harness the collective wisdom of our community to help marketers grow their businesses and advance their careers.”… read more

LSI videos

From 2008 – 2014, I produced many videos for LSI, acquired by Avago now known as Broadcom. LSI products were for Cloud Data Centers, Virtualized Server Environments and more.

I interviewed Broadcom Director of Engineering Purna Murthy about the advantages of Dell’s relationship with LSI Technologies.
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PowerEdge RAID Controller (PERC) for Dell / EMC systems

Shot and produced at HolderComm’s Studio 8, this futuristic video features actor Scott Poythress with some mind-bending special effects by Brian McAllorum. Dell wanted the video to implement engaging, advanced technology in order to promote the Dell PERC Series 8 for sales and training purposes.… read more


E2M2M: “The Future of Field Data Collection”

Designed and developed by E2 Consulting Engineers, E2 M2M® is a highly customizable and proprietary iPad application that facilitates data collection and sharing, resulting in increased efficiency and transparency on important projects.

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Supporting over 100,000 businesses with hosting and cloud computing, and utilizing LSI technology, Rackspace’s MegaData Center is located in San Antonio, Texas. We interviewed their Principal Technologist, Joel Wineland, and got an inside look at their unique operations.

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National Center for Supercomputing Applications

National Center for Supercomputing Applications
“The Dark Energy Survey”

HolderComm traveled to University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with LSI Technologies to interview members of the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) and International Computer Concepts.


NCSA Provides computing, data, networking, and visualization resources and services that help scientists and engineers across the country better understand our world.… read more